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Mandy Vermaak
Scio practitioner for the last 16 years
Nes Practioner
Theragem Practitioner
Reiki Practioner
A Scio Scan can be done from the comfort of your home. Scio scans are able to pick up the client anywhere in the world without the person needing to be with the practitioner.
Specific Details are required from the client before the session:
1. Full Birth Name
2. Birth Place
3. Date of Birth
1 hour Scio Scan Session - Analysis Session R650
Scio analysis is usually a session I do first with clients - What do I do in an analysis session: This session is done via zoom the person needs to be present. This is NOT a treating session, but an in-depth look at what the person needs to shift.
1. We look at some of the physical aspects in the matrix.
2. Then we look a little deeper into physical issues and we then look at the emotional issues that could be affecting the body.
3. We look at what is directly affecting the body and causing these expressions. 4. I then start treating the emotions to find the underlying issues that the person needs to work on to stop the body expressing these health issues.
5. We then look at the subconscious mind to look at the 4 layers of emotional issues the person has to start working on.
6. I then take a look at the chakras and will pin point the issues in the auric field and will balance them.
7. I will then tap into one passed-life experience to see what the clients lessons are and perhaps bringing from that life into this one. The client can then book a balancing session after this.
1 hour Scio Scan Session - Balance Session R650
Balance session explained.
1. Balance the brain
2. Balance the meridians
3. Balance the spine
4. Balance terrain of body the inside
5. Balance the chakras
6. Balance the organs
7. Balance the big energetic field of the body.
8. Color therapy
9. Close off with a different chakras treatment.
Now please look through the photos I share after each one is a percentage of what the body took from the treatment, sometimes the body takes it all sometimes it doesn’t take that much, it all depends on how tired the body is. Do you need another balance? It takes about two days for the balance to totally reset the body and settle in. If you feel good you don’t need another balance session. If you still feel the same the body requires more sessions.​

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